Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Two countries separated by a common language . . .

I didn't have a ticket to shoot swimming last night so I watched it on BBC.  It's fascinating to compare the British coverage vs. the U.S. coverage.  First, the BBC commentators are the biggest homers you'll ever watch.  There is no pretense of unbiased and even-handed coverage.  The are 100% Team GB.  Some of the studio hosts even get weepy when conversing with British athletes.  This is not a criticism, it's just an observation.  Second, the tone of the interviews is surprisingly upbeat for teams and individual athletes who finish out of the medals.  For example, the British women finished sixth in the gymnastics team finals, and it was all positive, all "we did our best," "we are proud of our performance," etc.  Can you imagine a sixth place US team or athlete being interviewed with the same positive vibe?


Blogger Dong Liu said...

interesting ... I was thinking the same for NBC's broadcast, almost 100% US.

12:29 AM  

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