Saturday, August 23, 2008

Funny, interesting and odd things I've seen or heard . . .

"Ni Howdy!" How a Southerner says "hello" in Chinese

Many of the swimmers scoop water from the pool and drink it before they race. I can only assume it's a superstition among swimmers.

A photographer pointed out to me how all the NBC video cameras were ancient. Said the reason is that the deal NBC struck with the Olympics and the Chinese Olympic Committee is that all gear that NBC brings into China, they have to leave behind.

Someone said to me that the rumor is, the reason China got the Olympics is that the U.S. got their spy plane back. Remember the spy plane that was forced to land on Hainan Island?

Click Here
for an old CNN story of this incident

Incident happened in May, 2001. China was awarded the Olympics in July, 2001. Hmmmm

Nikon gear is everywhere this Olympics. If you see photographers on TV, the guys with gray lenses are shooting Canon. They guys with black lenses are shooting Nikon. At the Athens games, you'd have been hard pressed to find a black lens out of a crowd of photographers. Here in Beijing, it's about 50/50. Why is this? The Nikon D-3 is kicking Canon's butt. The interesting part? Only a few photogs own their Nikon gear. Most of it is loaner gear as Nikon tries to spread the gospel and chip away at Canon's market share. I'm sure they'll be many converts. Full disclosure: I'm shooting loaner Nikon gear. Many thanks to the good people of Nikon for their generosity.

The U.S. gymnastics team did not march in opening ceremonies and won't march in the closing ceremonies tomorrow. They are all back in the 'States. CORRECTION. Shawn Johnson is still in the Middle Kingdom. Gotta' love that little sparkplug.

At some early baseball games, one scoreboard listed strikes and balls, but not outs. The other scoreboard listed outs, but no strikes and balls. Neither listed the "Runs/Hits/Error" stats either. It drove me crazy. But remember, baseball is still new to the Chinese.

In the pin trading corner just outside of the MPC, I offered to buy a pin from a women. She looked at me as if I had just told her she had an ugly child. Evidently, buying pins is bad form. It's all about the trade. Lesson learned. A guy offered to trade me some ugly pin that had nothing to do with the Olympics for my Houston Chronicle pin of the Bird's Nest Stadium. Out of principle, I said no. Funny thing is, had he just asked if he could have it, I would have given it to him.


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