Thursday, November 06, 2008

Bhutan quick hits

I'm extremely jetlagged at this moment and will jot down a few notes. Please forgive any grammatical errors and typos.
-While stuck in a plane on the ground in Dhaka, Bangladesh, one of the flight attendants texted a friend to find out about the U.S. election. At that point, Obama was ahead.
-We turned on the T.V. in our hotel room to find out that Obama had won. It was a great to watch the euphoria erupting. This was one time I kind of wished I wasn't on vacation and at home. The election was a huge topic of conversation here in Bhutan as well.
-Stray dogs are a nuisance in town but the government has taken a very progressive approach to solving the problem. They have built a dog sanctuary where the strays are taken. There are employees and volunteers that feed the dogs and a vet that checks in on them.
-We tried to see the King today, but so did about 5% of the population of Bhutan. We were turned back as the hall where the King was receiving people was packed full. Some Euro tourists were rather ugly about not being able to see the King but even some government officials were turned away. There were simply too many people. We will see the King tomorrow at a public ceremony in the stadium here in town and will attempt to pay our respects to him and offer a scarf on the ninth.


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Mr. Jay Hu,

Long time no talk. I see you're traveling the world again. We're here at home, but we got to celebrate the election results AND our 10th wedding anniversary at the same time. Our anniversary was yesterday, the 5th, so after watching McCain's concession speech, we cracked a bottle of champagne and toasted our anniversary and the results both at midnight. Lots of fun.

Say hello to Patty for me!


4:12 AM  

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