Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Random Numbers

As the final weekend of the Olympics wound down, I did a little book keeping. Here are the results:
-Number of Olympic sports venues visited: 8 (Everyone but curling)
-Sport attended the most: Hockey (6.5 games)
-Number of slices of pizza-by-the-slice shop pizza eaten: 14 (way too many)
-Number of alcoholic beverages consumed: 6 (way too few)
-Amount spent on Canadian prepaid mobile phone service: $110
-Number of tiny, hotel bottles of shampoo used: 4
-Amount spent on laundry for entire Olympics: $150
-Number of pins traded: <12
-Number of times granola bar and Gatorade substituted for a meal: Countless
-Amount of Official Olympic Sponsor, McDonald's food consumed: ZERO


Blogger Junkcharts said...

Here are some of the questions asked at a "pub quiz" about the Olympics; sadly I didn't know most of them despite hours and hours watching Bob Costas

- year and location of the first Winter Olympics
- which country has hosted the most Winter Olympics (France, Italy, Sweden, US, Japan)
- how many reporters were at the Olympics?
- how many meals were served?
- how many countries participated?
- how much was spent on the opening ceremony?
- how much did NBC pay for TV rights?

2:45 AM  

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