Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Eat, Drink, Be Merry

Our foodie friends are visiting this weekend. We have an epic lineup of restaurants on our schedule. These are just a few:
-Yin Yang Private Kitchen
-Bo Innovation
-Fook Lam Moon
-City Hall Maxim's Palace

We also plan to go to Macau on Sunday for a look around and taste the Portuguese-influenced, Chinese cuisine.

Time to break out the pants with the elastic waistband . . .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Fook Lan Gong where we ate in Beijing? Those were some good dumplings.

Tried a dumpling place here in Houston today (friend visiting from New Orleans needed a dim sum fix).

We were the only round eyed devils in the place, which was a good sign. The food was ok for Houston. Nothing like that place in Beijing.

9:10 AM  
Blogger huja said...

Not even close. Din Tai Fung.

1:08 PM  

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