Tuesday, November 02, 2010

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Before we moved to Hong Kong, my friend Sheigla who lived in Hong Kong about 8 years ago, told me about some of the colorful English names Hong Kong Chinese people gave themselves. Her example was a student she encountered named Purple (Maybe she is a Prince fan). Here are the top three names I've encountered thus far.

3. A waitress wearing a name tag that read, Moon.
2. An interior designer named Cobra.
1. By far the best name I've encountered so far is Porky Chan. Patty and I came across Porky's business sign while walking on Hennessy Road last month.

QUESTION for you, kind reader . . . what would you name yourself? Your spouse?

Me? I'm Huja Bradshaw.


Blogger Jessica Johns Pool said...

Ah, excellent conversation starter. My spouse was already named 'Howdy Lakes' by someone else. It kinda fits. I chose the card playing name of 'Trixie' back when dinosaurs roamed the earth and it still pleases my inner smart ass.

2:09 AM  
Blogger Junkcharts said...

there is a singer/actress whose name is "Money"; not sure if she is still active.

11:46 PM  

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