Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Olympics 8/3/08

It didn’t take but 20 minutes to get from airport curb to my gate at SFO. The TSA in the international terminal seems to be much more professional and efficient than their counterparts in domestic. While walking though the terminal, I spot a big banner wishing all U.S. Olympians good luck.

This flight will give me a chance to review my Chinese skills in preparation for Beijing. I’ve brought an old textbook and loaded some spoken audio on my computer and MP3 player. So time for me to 学习 (study)!

Last night, I spoke to our people already in Beijing and got a big “thumbs up” for the facilities. The fact that our hotel is located right at the MPC (Main Press Center) will save many man hours over the course of the entire Olympics. I’ve heard of various media members who have been housed more than 1.5 hours away from the MPC in past Olympics. Figuring in the possible wait for the shuttle bus, that’s an extra 4.5 hours a day we will save in Beijing.

I am scheduled to arrive in Beijing around 8pm on Monday the 4th. I’ve gotten a report that not all bus drivers are familiar with the newly constructed Olympic area. I don’t think you can blame them. I bet many of these streets didn’t exist until very recently and even if they did, the streets were likely unnamed.

My tasks on Tuesday are to buy a mobile phone, mobile data card and find a location to shoot the Opening Ceremony fireworks from outside of the Bird’s Nest Stadium. The Beijing Olympic organizers promise the greatest fireworks EVER for these Olympics so tune in and set your DVR.

At some point before the Games begin, we will need to scout the heart of Beijing to find a suitable place on the bicycle road course to make a pretty picture – you know, dozens of riders passing by a temple or something.


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