Thursday, September 23, 2010

What are the Odds?!!

Today was the Mid-Autumn Festival. What does that mean? I'm not sure, but Patty got the day off. We spent the morning and early afternoon wandering around Wan Chai and Causeway Bay. We had to buy some lamps and Causeway Bay is a major shopping neighborhood. To fuel up for our task, we first stopped by a well-known restaurant that specializes in wonton noodle soup and congee called Ho Hung Kee. After visiting about half a dozen stores and finding two lamps, we picked up some roast goose and bbq pork for dinner. We then headed to the #28 Green Minibus stop. The #28 drops you off right in front of our apartment complex and Patty had never taken it so I wanted to show her where to pick it up in Causeway Bay. Just a block away from the bus stop, Patty and I approached a young man and women who were heading in the opposite direction. When we passed, I heard the young woman say something to the man in English. I instinctively stopped and turned around at the same time as the young man stopped and turn around. I looked at him and he looked at me and in an instant my eyes fixed on his chest to read the words on his T-shirt: "WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY in St. Louis" - white letters on a dark red t-shirt. The shirt looked familiar to me. Why? It was the exact same shirt I was wearing. I pointed stupidly at his shirt and asked, "Did you go to Wash U?" He said, "Yeah." I told him I did as well, but I didn't reveal what year I graduated because it was more than a decade before him. After chatting a bit more, he told me Mark Wrighton, the chancellor of Washington University was coming to Hong Kong and was going to speak somewhere. He asked for my contact info as he is active in the alumni group in HK. I gave him my card and Patty and I went on our way. What are the odds?!! Crazy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a city of how many million people?! Too funny.

9:34 PM  
Blogger OLD FART said...

The Laws of Chaos work everywhere, eh!!

5:25 PM  

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