Thursday, February 18, 2010

Vancouver Olympic Committee on the ropes

I spoke with a reporter who attended a press conference yesterday. It basically consisted of VANOC (Vancouver Olympic Committee) deflecting blame for all the things going wrong during the Games.

Some things were out of their control such as the

Other things were clearly their screw-up such as fencing in the
Olympic Flame
in such a way that no one could see it.

Still, other snafus leave room for debate as to who is at fault such as canceling general admission tickets at Cypress Mountain.

Another story that's floated around is the one about a spectator who had paid $1000 for a front-row seat at the Opening Ceremony who found himself in the middle of the photographers' area. Typically, a number of seats or entire sections are reserved for photographers' shooting positions. Evidently, someone sold these seats for $1000 each.

The British Press has been particularly critical of the Vancouver Olympics.
More British Press criticism of the Vancouver Olympics.

Slovinia may sue VANOC after one of their cross country skiers was seriously injured in a training run.

Leprosy?! Olympiad of the Damned.


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